A Word About OK BOOMER

A Word About OK BOOMER

Hey, I get it.  Every generation wants to make their mark, each believing they have no power of their own other than what comes with a movement.  I get each wants to change the world; make it into their ideal vision of what it should be.  And each generation believes those that came before are in their way—or worse, the cause of all the problems. Continue reading “A Word About OK BOOMER”

Chapter 7 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!

Chapter 7 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!

Chapter 7 is live.  Go to Channillo.com to read it.

Here’s the first scene:

Miles’ dream began the same each night.  Falling into the depths, a stomach-churning drop into an abyss with neither beginning nor end.  The surrounding darkness was near total, the thin line to which he fell a black beyond black—an absence of not only light, but reality itself.  No wind rushed upward to greet him, yet he knew he fell.  Nothing to see, but his eyes were open.  No sounds, no odors.  It was as if his senses—though still functioning—received no input.  There was no sensation to tell him he approached the line in any appreciable way, no manner in which to judge his speed, but he knew with conviction he would pass through that Stygian darkness soon enough.

Something’s changed.

Continue reading “Chapter 7 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!”

Chapter 6 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!

Chapter 6 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!

Go here to read it.  You know you want to!

Here’s the first scene…

Philip Carson sat alone in his small two-bedroom home, the glowing television his only illumination and companion.  Like his sister less than a mile away, he held a beer in his hand that was one sip shy of empty, and now warm to boot.  His life was a rutted wagon track of work, beer, and TV.  Maybe it’s time to take another trip sideways, he thought.  Where he went wasn’t usually any better, but at least it was different.  Maybe I should have made better choices in my youth.

A grim smile creased his face.  His first choice of any consequence landed him in the nut barn, and it slid steadily downhill from there.  It took most of a year to convince the soft-headed doctors he was well enough to leave, and it was only through a massive effort to guard his words he stayed out.  The weird thing was, no matter where he went it was always the same.  Nothing big ever changes, and it makes no damn sense.  The last two trips he spent walking a prison yard, staring through the fence at a world he would never visit.

Continue reading “Chapter 6 of The Stone of Tantalus is live!”